Saturday, June 26, 2010

Random rant: Abortion

I'm not falling asleep yet, so I figure I will rant about what is possibly the most contentious topic the the country today: abortion, or the termination of a pregnancy.

First of all, anyone who says that an abortion is not taking away a life, but then proceeds to say that they would never themselves get an abortion (or allow their partner to get an abortion), is fooling themself. Abortion is taking away a life, and anyone who claims that they wouldn't get an abortion believes that, even if they don't realize that they do. Also, people claim that, somehow, rape and incest are special circumstances, so abortion should be illegal unless a pregnancy is a danger to the mother or they have experienced one of these special circumstances. Frankly, I don't see how a baby conceived from a rape is any less of a baby than a baby conceived by mommy and daddy being stupid. So, the only explanation for the rape/incest exemption is that it is purely a moral thing. Morals do not belong in policy. Period. Laws are here to protect you. They are not here to make you be good, moral Christians. I am not interested in sex, but if I were, I wouldn't want the government stepping in and telling me I can't have consensual sex. That's what my parents are for. So, if my partner were to get pregnant, I don't think it should follow suit that she wouldn't be able to get an abortion unless she was raped.

Yet, if you know me, you would know that I am pro-choice. Then why in Christ's name would I ever post that last argument which I really hope Sarah Palin doesn't find, because she'll steal it? Well, I'm glad you asked! You see, most people don't want abortions. A mix of hormones and common sense tells you that killing your baby is bad. And I tend to agree. However, those who do decide to get abortions tend to have extreme circumstances, and they wouldn't be able to raise a baby, most likely, or they might not be emotionally ready to be a mother, or a plethora of other reasons. In any case, if they feel so strongly about getting an abortion, they're going to get an abortion. If abortions are legal, then they will be performed by experienced doctors who have been medically trained. If abortion is not legal, they will be performed by shady people, probably without any medical training, or worse, at home with a coat hanger. That is, of course, a huge danger to the mother, and a huge danger to anyone involved. An abortion that doesn't go well could sterilize a woman, or cause her permanent damage, or even cause an infection that could kill her. That would almost never happen if an abortion is performed by a doctor, but if it's no, who knows what could happen? Keep abortion legal, keep abortion safe.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can see how it would, but I’m not too worried about that. Women are biologically engineered to have feelings for their children, so I don’t think that having abortions would be a pleasant experience or something they’d want to do as anything more than a last resort. I don’t think that too many abortion clinics would have “regulars,” and if they did, do you really think that those people should be having kids in the first place? Besides, I don’t think it’s the government’s job to decide what is responsible in our personal lives.
