Friday, July 2, 2010

Random rant: Double Standards

When Obama was elected, liberals far and wide were accused of thinking that Obama was a superhero, all-powerful, godlike figure. I don't know how many conservatives said that all the time. Now, I don't know how many conservatives are whining about why Obama hasn't cleaned up the gulf yet. I don't know of a single conservative who is saying that he isn't really capable of doing much, which is a fact. So, conveniently, he suddenly gained super powers once BP spilled a bunch of crap into the ocean. It makes perfect sense.

Now, I am sorry to say that that isn't my only grievance. You'll have to listen to me complain more. We're going to take a trip down memory lane to about 2 months ago. Remember that healthcare bill that every single republican hated? Well, Mitt Romney, that Mormon guy who's way too conservative for everyone outside of Utah, passed a nearly identical bill a few years earlier. But now that there's a Democrat's name on it, it's suddenly evil Nazi communism. What happened?

Then there seem to be a lot of GOP politicians having affairs and infidelities and other things. Democrats do too. It's mostly because they're idiots, but GOP politicians are both idiots and hypocrites. Only one party preaches family values and moral law.

By the way, liberals can have double standards as well, but since I am a liberal, I plan to completely ignore those.

"Evil will always triumph, because dumb." -Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet

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