Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Special post: 23 things about me

I have been rather lazy lately. I know. So I'll try and do 2 posts today (but only one rant. 2 rants in a day could be overkill, and it could make me hurt someone). To be honest, I'm not really in a rant-y mood at the moment, and my rants tend to do better when they're reactive, and I don't have much to react to at the moment, so I'll instead introduce myself with 23 random facts, similar to Lizi's, mostly because I'm copying her idea due to my semi-momentary uncreativeness.

1. I currently work for John Kitzhaber's campaign for governor. I mostly phonebank. It's not a particularly fun job, but I manage. Apparently, though, everybody in Oregon so strongly dislikes talking on the phone that they can't stand to have a 30 second conversation with a phonebanker.

2. I have almost every word of "Blazing Saddles" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" memorized, though I'm falling behind on the latter. I watch the former religiously (every Saturday), but I haven't watched the latter in a while.

3. I loved Sophomore year. To be more specific, I loved second and fourth quarters. First quarter I was insecure for some unknown reason, but by second quarter I'd come to grips with life. At the end of second quarter, one of my best friends moved to Hawaii completely out of the blue, and so that sent me into a mild I don't know what for most of third quarter, but by the time fourth quarter came around, I'd made plenty of new friends and I was quite content.

4. I am a hypochondriac. If I ever have chest pains, I must have a clogged artery. If I ever have digestive problems, it must be colon cancer. If I ever have to ask someone to repeat themself, I must be going deaf. If I'm ever thirsty, or my feet are cold, or I feel slightly weak or dizzy, I must have diabetes (I thought for years that I was a diabetic). If I have any weird mannerisms, I must be autistic.

5. I am incredibly cheap. So much so that I don't even bring money with me unless I specifically plan on buying something. I have a mild panic attack every time I spend more than $5 in one sitting. My history teacher once made $10,000 in 20 minutes though investing. I plan on beating him.

6. I do not believe that 9/11 was a government conspiracy. However, I would not be surprised if Dick Cheney and/or Donald Rumsfeld had some knowledge that something was going to happen and they kept that knowledge from the president.

7. I don't post pictures of myself on the internet. I don't know why, but I just don't.

8. I have an opinion on everything. Except soccer (even then, my opinion is that it is silly and unamerican).

9. I am a die-hard Texas Longhorns fan. I watch as many of their games as I can, and I advertise the fact that I'm such a huge fan quite liberally. People have been known to call me "Texas." My marketing teacher took it a step further and called me "Colt McCoy."

10. Almost everyone thinks I was born in Texas. I was not. Everyone thinks that, since I'm apparently from Texas, I must be a redneck conservative. I am not.

11. 23 is turning out to be a big number!

12. I don't have my drivers license or permit. I have not decided yet if I am going to want one.

13. My favorite type of food is Barbeque. Speaking of which, barbecue is a process of cooking meat slowly over an indirect source of heat, or the apparatus used to do that. It is not the same as a grill. If you're cooking your meat quickly over direct heat on something that you're calling a barbecue, congratulations, you are using a grill.

14. In the same vein, I am very particular about chili. Chili con carne literally means peppers with meat. I don't see where beans come into that. And if you want to make it with ground beef, then you are lazy and have no reason to live.

15. I hate bananas. They taste strange, and they have a revolting texture. The banana a fruit that is trying to be a dessert, but fails miserably.

16. I play the cello. Badly. I also play the ukulele. Very badly.

17. I don't usually eat breakfast. I also don't always eat lunch. My mom thinks I'm anorexic. I'm not.

18. I enjoy memorizing world leaders. As of now, I can name at least one of the leaders of 173 countries. One of my favorite blogs is "Hottest Heads of State," though it hasn't been updated in a while.

19. I like almost all music, but my current favorite is bad, old people 70's-80's-90's stuff like Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, and U2.

20. I wouldn't say that I don't have any friends, but most of my friends don't have any friends.

21. I love Oregon, but I love to complain more. And I don't want to stay in Oregon for college, even though Lewis and Clark is a very good school, I don't know if I could mentally cope with the fact that I'd be going to college 10 minutes from my house.

22. If you have any questions about me, or any of these, or anything else, comment or ask on Formspring. I will answer them embarrassingly quickly.

23. I just wasted an incredible amount of time writing 23 things about myself.


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