Saturday, January 8, 2011

Why I am an elitist: A personal account of today's culminations

Well, the title is actually not completely accurate. I've been an elitist ever since I started working for Gov. Kitzhaber's campaign, but you can ask me about that later.

This morning, I was devastated to hear about the tragic shooting in Arizona. Among those shot was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D). My first thought was most certainly that she was shot by a right-wing extremist. Having examined facts, including that the shooter was described as a left-wing radical in college (and he's only 22 now, so it wasn't that long ago), I have come to the reasonable (and somewhat disappointing) conclusion that the murder had absolutely nothing to do with the Tea Party and their associated demagogues. One such demagogue, Sarah Palin, posted (prior to the shooting) an ad that marked some members of congress from districts that McCain carried in 2008 who voted for the healthcare bill. Now, Ms. Palin is a friendly and tasteful woman, so she had the good sense to mark them with crosshairs. Ms. Giffords happened to be one of those people. Initially I saw that map as something that could have compelled the shooter, but upon research of him, I found that it is highly improbable that he is a teabagger, so I left it at that.

Now, Americans Against the Tea Party is a facebook group that I am a member of. While I agree with their platform, they are the facebook page that I argue with the most due to their semi-radical views. Now, I often (semi-facetiously) say that once I get an idea, no matter how much evidence disproves it, I will never admit that I am wrong. Now, I admitted that I was wrong. Anybody who holds on to their views after I admit that I am wrong is stupid, mainly because they are at the point that they disagree with me (and most people who disagree with me are stupid, according to elitist philosophy), but also because I have so much compelling evidence that I'm right that I can make a damn good argument (and anyone I actually argue with is only smart if they present real ideas. If I am truly convinced that there is no factual connection between the other party's arguments, which is usually, then they're stupid), and they still don't take it in. That is sadly the tragic case with AATTP. Not only did they stick to their flawed beliefs, evidence be damned, to the point where they accused the tea party of sending out "death squads" (and I quote), but when I tried to insert rational thinking, they completely disregarded anything I had to say, even resorting to insults and even accused me of spreading (and I quote) "Right-wing lies." Laughable! Of course, I was not offended, because I already knew that they were stupid and reactionary, but I came to the important realization that anybody who is not an elitist really needs to take a fact check (or maybe they're stupid. Probably so, actually)...

As an elitist, I will keep attempting (and probably failing) to keep people from a life of stupidity, and try to reform people who are already stupid. AATTP is only one example of stupid people failing to shut up (and if anyone shouldn't be stupid, it's AATTP). I would urge you all to either become elitists or realize that you're stupid, reform yourselves, and then become elitists, because we'll all take over the world someday [editor's note: I actually am getting to the point in my elitism where I'm beginning to realize that having people, the vast majority of whom are stupid, voting is really a dreadful idea, so I'm beginning to form the belief that what we need is a benevolent dictator. Screw voting for congresspeople to go and fuck up the country; a dictator would make everything run smoothly, and a good dictator would also make life great for all of us without having to worry about stupid people stopping every good thing from happening. Besides, dictators tend to have amazing mustaches.]

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