Sunday, February 27, 2011

George W. Bush, show us YOUR birth certificate

So, president Obama is, of course, bombarded by racist fucking idiots who have the terrible and completely wrong idea that the president is somehow hiding his birth certificate and is spending millions to keep it from the public. This is, of course, completely accurate, and they are completely correct in believing that the president is hiding the document shown here. Now, I am very rational about racial issues, and I am usually one of the last people to play the race card, but this conspiracy reeks of complete racism. Why? Well, nobody asked this of George Bush or Bill Clinton. In fact, Obama is the only president whose birth certificate I HAVE seen. I suppose it could be his unusual name, but nobody ever questioned Rutherford B. Hayes, and anyone with half a brain should be able to understand the concept of an inherited name: all four major candidates and running mates in 2008 had one. Also, last I checked, John McCain was born in the Panama Canal zone, but basically everyone accepted that that was part of America at the time. Well, apparently Hawaii was part of Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th, 1961. This is simply madness.


  1. I am honored to have been stolen from!

  2. Try making that not-anonymous. :P
    This is revenge from you stealing from me when you wrote 23 things about yourself!

  3. Sorry about the anonymous thing... I'm too lazy to log into the Google account that this blog is in, and I never know which name to use :-D...

    And I had forgotten about that 23 things thing...

  4. Well technically you didn't steal it, because I only wrote fifteen...but you gave me credit.
