Saturday, March 19, 2011

Okay, okay, fine, 23 more things

So, at the insistence of a certain person from Utah, I finally broke down and decided to do this again. Well, I guess it momentarily will keep me from my slutty tendencies. I mean, seriously. I'm a total slut. I'm sluttier than Abigail Williams from The Crucible combined with the great Betty Crocker herself!

1. My sister is probably my least favorite person who I personally know. She walks the fine line between being a complete bitch and an annoying little shit. So, let me tell you now how I really feel... She also got about 74 million times worse when she discovered Justin Bieber...

2. One of the most rewarding experiences of my life was working for Gov. Kitzhaber's campaign, especially when he finally won. The fact that I took even a nominal part in such a slim--but extremely important--victory was one of the greatest personal experiences of mine, and you bet this isn't the last time I work on a campaign!

3. I have the weirdest iPod ever. I have 9 and a half national anthems, classical, Beatles, bad 80s stuff, Weird Al, the Solubility Rules song (though it disappeared :-C), Lady Gaga, the Spamalot soundtrack, Ke$ha, Aerosmith, and Die Antwoord, just to name a few...

4. I am prejudiced against any Republican who is Jewish, a minority, gay, young, disabled, old, a woman, or a human being.

5. Monty Python is my porn. My favorite sketches include, but are not limited to Dead Parrot, Spanish Inquisition, Ministry of Silly Walks, Piranha brothers, The Sci-Fi sketch, and the Mattress sketch. I own the boxed set, which I watch all the time.

6. At my school, if you can imagine, there is the main entrance. To the left is the cafeteria and the art wing, and to the right is the Math hall and the language hall. The second floor only goes above the right side. On the left side of the upstairs, there is the History hall, and to the right is the English hall (science is on the third floor, atop the history hall). English and History are sort of separated by this bridge thing, but English is offset somewhat. History faces the bridge and is the shape of a U. Each end of the U overshoots the bridge somewhat, leading to a small section of hall on either side of the end of the bridge thing that sort of makes a balcony. Facing the History hallon the left side, the balcony there is considered by many to be my spot. I basically live there, and I have every intention to put it in my senior will. And a gold star for you if you have any idea as to what the fuck I mean.

7. My friends and I often sit at the spot mentioned in section 6 before AP Chem and discuss the likelihood of whether my AP Chem teacher is a rapist or something.

8. My AP Chem teacher's name is Mr. Grosse. 'Nuff said.

9. I have a Constitution app on my iPhone, and a copy of the constitution lives in my backpack. This is very likely because my Sophomore US history and Government teacher is probably the greatest man ever (besides Boss Tweed).

10. William Magear "Boss" Tweed is my idol, my soulmate, and my best friend.

11. I am an insufferable Longhorns fan. I am known around school for it. After Texas lost the championship last year, when I went into school, you would think my mom had just died or something, people were so sympathetic to me, if that makes sense.

12. I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac.

13. I almost never wear shorts, but when I do, I really hate that feeling when the sole of your shoe rubs against your leg. It makes me uncomfortable for literally hours.

14. I have a love-hate relationship with Oregon. I love the Portland culture and the general awesomeness of people here, but I really despise the weather, and I have no plans to stay here after high school.

15. Oregon is still way better than Utah.

16. I am a raging elitist. I believe in required literacy tests to vote, and I believe that the average voter is incredibly stupid. A huge number of things has caused me to believe this, but I think the number one cause came to me whilst making Kitzhaber signs with a nice Political Science major named Austin. He was telling me that our job was especially hard (and you have to understand, Kitzhaber was not necessarily favored in the polls, though anyone with a brain could see that he has credentials and the ability to do well, and Dudley had no credentials, and nobody knew if he would even be able to do well) because most voters have no idea what they're talking about. Also, a bunch of people voted for Chris Dudley because he was a fucking basketball player. I like basketball as much as the next guy, but I don't think Lebron would be such a good president, personally. Other factors include, but are not limited to the fact that Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann even exist, the fact that people believe Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter, and the fact that I talked to one dude over the phone who thought that Chris Dudley was his freaking niece, Christa Lee.

17. AP US is one of the greatest and most rewarding classes I've ever taken. My teacher is really smart and funny, and slanted in exactly the same way that I am.

18. In AP US, we often have these document discussions. My friend and I get really in to it, sometimes going really crazy into Devil's advocate. I just love advocating slavery and comparing women to dogs! In addition, we will occasionally do these graded discussions about topics from the points of view of various historical figures. These graded discussions are where I became such wonderful people as Nathaniel Bacon and Boss Tweed. Though Boss Tweed was super duper fun, the questions were kind of out of place and didn't involve me much. Bacon, on the other hand, was amazing. My friend was John Winthrop. We had a lot of fun in that one.

19. Being Jewish has shaped me a lot more than I used to think it did. I go to Jew school religiously (no pun intended), and the more comfortable I get about my identity, the more I can use it and joke about it and such, and it is honestly way less boring than being Christian or non-religious.

20. When I'm really, ridiculously bored, I look at Jewish jokes online. Seriously.

21. It is almost impossible to offend me. I brush things off pretty easily, mostly by realizing that whoever insulted me is either joking or stupid.

22. Everyone tells me that I should be president someday. I could not imagine a job I would want to do less. It sounds absolutely horrid.

23. My molasses cookies are the greatest thing I've ever tasted, I'm not going to lie. It might have something to do with the 3 sticks of butter in the recipe. But I promise that I don't think there's any crack in them.

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