Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Michele Bachmann

I know, this is like the third time I've put off writing about Ron Paul... It turns out he's not crazy enough (Oh my...). Another reason that I've put off writing about him is that I've taken up a new hobby! Yes, that's right, I've been trolling Michele Bachmann's facebook page! Now, I've learned quite a bit from this endeavor. First of all, Michele Bachmann is absolutely fucking batshit insane! Well, I guess, to be fair, I already knew that. For example, the other day, she was in Waterloo, IA, and she mentioned how great it was to be in the birthplace of the legendary actor (and Republican), John Wayne. Except John Wayne's birthplace is 300 miles from Waterloo, in Winterset. Waterloo was, however, the hometown of John Wayne Gacy, who was a serial killer. It's not any better that Michele herself happened to have been born in Waterloo. Not only that, but her Politifact profile is downright embarrassing, with an astounding one true statement, but eleven false statements, and seven pants on fire. Now, accordingly, her supporters are about as batshit insane as she is. Here is a jewel from Bachmann supporter Paul Kramowski: "‎*** NOTE: PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE OBAMA MEDIA...THE NEED YOU ALOT MORE THEN YOU NEED THEM, AMEN? REMEMBER KATY CURIC WHAT WITCH." Another intelligent and insightful statement comes from a supporter named Mitchell Arnstein, who says, "Obama plans to rule by executive order in 2012, this must not happen as it will let him have Dictatorship powers!" Ya, whatever. Maybe you should mention to those nice men in white coats. Now, even though Michele and her supporters are completely fucking insane, that doesn't stop her from running a campaign without saying anything at all. Let's take a look at a few of her facebook statuses:
"The more America learns about Obamacare, the more evidence we have of its failures. Stand with me as I fight to repeal Obamacare."
"After our announcement, it's no surprise that Democrats are nervous. Just hours after my speech, the Obama machine launched a dishonest attack on our constitutional conservative agenda. Click the link above to make a donation & help me defend myself."
"My voice is part of a movement to take back our country, and now I want to take that voice of constitutional conservatives to the White House. Click “like” if you’re ready to get to work, and join me in making Barack Obama a one-term president."
"Ready to make Barack Obama a one-term president? Join me today. Click "like" if you'll tune into the live video stream of my campaign kickoff this morning via KWWL.com."
"Today, our campaign to take America back will begin in Iowa. Click "like" if this Des Moines Register poll has you ready to start the hard work of making Barack Obama a one-term president."
"It’s going to be hard work to make Barack Obama a one-term president. Click “like” if you’ll share the Weekly Standard’s profile about me with your Facebook friends to help grow Team Bachmann."
Maybe it's just me, but I think I might be sensing a theme here. Just a thought. But seriously, where is the substance. She can't just run a campaign based on "Well, I'm not Obama." Guess what! I'm not Obama either!!! Pick me!!!! I happen to be a fan of Obama, though, and if you can see through Michele Bachmann's lies, then you'll see that he's really a pretty good guy. I think the real question, though, is whether Michele Bachmann is crazier than Sarah Palin.

I have not seen enough significant change in the primary to be able to make any changes to my odds, so the odds from Newt's post can carry over to this one.

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